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Drugs (Narcotics Law)

At the central level National Coordinating Committee for drug abuse control chaired by the Home Minister is the highest body which is responsible for the overall formulation of national policy matters in the areas of drug abuse control and law enforcement. Under this, the Executive Committee for drug abuse control has the overall administrative responsibility for the implementation of the approved policy and programmes. The Chief Narcotic Drug Control Officer heads this committee. A separate Drug Law Enforcement Unit has been set up at the centre as per the provision made in the Master Plan for Drug Abuse Control for the effective control of illicit drug trafficking. This unit has been empowered to investigate and prosecute the drug offenders. The Chief District Officer discharges the duties of Drug Control Officer in 75 districts of the country. The extension of drug enforcement section with trained manpower at the regional police offices has been completed. The other agencies involved in the control of drug trafficking are the customs, immigration and postal services.

In addition to the above, a project office has been established in order to implement the sectoral plans for treatment, rehabilitation and other demand reduction activities as envisaged in the Master Plan for Drug Abuse Control. Considering the fact that NGOs can play an active role in raising public awareness against drug abuse and other related activities, the government has been supporting and encouraging these organizations by providing financial and other logistics support. Besides, publication of leaflets and posters, talk programme, essay and poster competitions among secondary school students of the five development regions, distributions of stickers etc. are being carried out by the NGOs with the financial support of Government of Nepal. Efforts are also being made to treat the addicts in some hospitals and treatment centres run by the NGOs.

Community Recovery Centre has been successfully extending free counseling services to the addicts in the community who have undergone treatment in the hospitals, treatment centers and jails.

Link: https://www.moha.gov.np/

[Source: Ministry of Home Affairs]