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Animal Husbandry and Fisheries

Livestock Statistics of Nepal

The number of cattle heads is estimated to have increased by 0.34 percent in fiscal year 2009/010 compared to 2008/09 and reached 7199260 in total. However, the number of milking cows is only 954680, or 13.3 percent of the total number of cattle. Similarly, the number of buffaloes is increased by 3.34 percent totaling to 4836984. The number of the milking buffaloes is estimated at 1252770, or 25.9 percent of the total. The number of sheep slightly declined by 0.20 percent to 801371; whereas the number of goats increased by 4.38 percent to 8844172. The number of pigs is estimated as 1064858 during the same period showing an increase of 1.95 percent.

Similarly, the number of fowls increased by 5.22 percent to 25760373 as against last year total of 24481286.Out of the total fowls, 28.3 percent shared by laying hens which is increased by 2.34 percent compared to the last year. However, due to boilers population increased in farming support to increasing of total poultry numbers. The number of ducks is expected to fall by 0.88 percent compared to the last year and reached 379753. Out of total ducks, the share of laying ducks is estimated only 175299 number decaling by 2.17 percent compared to the last year.

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[Source: Department of Livestock Services]